
Together, We Fight the Virus! Hail to the Heroes!

2022-02-22 16:02:33

A new wave of Covid-19 hit Suzhou at the beginning of this year.


Together, we fought the virus through the spring.




FriendTimes, having been running its business in Suzhou for 12 years,

has shared its future with the city since the day of its inception.

At this crucial moment,

FriendTimes has been taking heed of the latest updates on Covid-19.

The Party Branch of FriendTimes, the Light Chaser, has taken the lead

in combating the pandemic along with the government.


On February 22, 2022, FriendTimes donated to the Charity Commission of Suzhou Industrial Park 550,000 yuan’s worth of PPE supplies.




Unity gives people strength. Volunteers from the company gathered and escorted the trucks laden with PPE supplies to 16 front-line organizations, including Xinghu Hospital, Xinghai Hospital, and Center of Disease Control and Prevention in Suzhou.






Staff workers busy packing PPE supplies.






Staff workers busy loading supplies onto a truck.








Always be there, ready to do charity work.






We fight for Suzhou alongside the health workers.



Meanwhile, FriendTimes doesn't let up on any front of the fight against Covid-19,

carrying out disinfection work on a regular basis and giving out medical masks to its employees.

In addition, FriendTimes has started up services for the convenience of its employees to buy groceries directly from the company.

With joint efforts, we believe we'll finally win this battle against the virus!



If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?

With a concerted effort, Suzhou will definitely win this battle!

When we stamped out the coronavirus,

we will make up for lost time,

enjoying the beautiful garden views together!